Our heritage is very unique and dated back thousands of years. Our Civilisation is one of the oldest in the world and Bharat
had been epicentre of Sanskrit learning. Due to onslaught of other cultures in India, and due to todays academic curriculum oriented towards
west, we find today that not many are taking up Sanskrit language learning or sloka reading. Each one of us should endeavour to revive our
ancient scriptures by taking some time to practice the same. It is also one easy way to increase the memory power. There are many research
findings done by Universities of West, that proves that recitation of Sanskrit Verses such as Bhagavath Gita, Ramayana etc increases one’s memory.
In some schools in Europe, Bhagavath Gita Recitation is made compulsory to Indian and non Indian Students, as they have found the effectivity in
recitation of the same.