Welcome to गुरुकुल-श्लोकानां कक्षा

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you conduct the class as personal contact programme (PCP)

How much fees do you charge?

We charge a nominal guru dhakshina of Rs 600 per student for Indian students and Rs 800 for International Students. In one month 12 classes shall happen. Gurudhakshina can be paid online. Our Sundarakandam class is a free for all training.

What is the uniqueness of your sloka classes ?

Every sloka has to be pronounced in the way it should be. Sanskrit slokas has sabdham as its core and it has to be pronounced the way it is written in the main text. We make the students repeat each slokas and ensure that the same is pronounced and memorised in the right way. Also it will be a happy learning process and audience (who are mainly kids) enjoy attending our classes. There is a story session for the kids which makes them like our classes. Kids get to recite and thereby memorise slokas in the class itself and hence no special effort is needed by them other than training in class hours.

How long does the class happen ?

Our classes are conducted for a period of 30 to 35 min. The classes are conducted on alternate days of the week at fixed timings (evening 7.30 pm (IST) or 8.30 pm (IST))

Do you teach the meaning of slokas ?

We donot teach the meaning of slokas. We only concentrate on making them learn how to recite slokas and memorise it. Many sanskrit slokas has meanings that are so indepth that kids may not be able to appreciate the true sense of it.

What is your idea of starting Sloka Classes ? what are the benefits of reciting slokas.

Our heritage is very unique and dated back thousands of years. Our Civilisation is one of the oldest in the world and Bharat had been epicentre of Sanskrit learning. Due to onslaught of other cultures in India, and due to todays academic curriculum oriented towards west, we find today that not many are taking up Sanskrit language learning or sloka reading. Each one of us should endeavour to revive our ancient scriptures by taking some time to practice the same. It is also one easy way to increase the memory power. There are many research findings done by Universities of West, that proves that recitation of Sanskrit Verses such as Bhagavath Gita, Ramayana etc increases one’s memory. In some schools in Europe, Bhagavath Gita Recitation is made compulsory to Indian and non Indian Students, as they have found the effectivity in recitation of the same.

What if a student happens to miss a few classes or happens to join in between. Is there any compensatory classes conducted.

We following roller coaster model. This means that even if a student joins late say in 5th Chapter of Bhagavath Gita and when he/she completes all 18 chapters, he/she can join the next batch (which is a new batch) which will start from 1st chapter of Bhagavath Gita and then continue till 4th chapter and leave. This way we ensure that the student gets a complete learning and he doesnot miss any session. If a student is absent for a few sessions we cover the same during the subsequent classes by periodic revision of old portions so that there is continuity in learning. There are no compensatory classes conducted and no recorded sessions shared.

Who will be teaching the slokas

Sloka classes will be conducted by trained and experienced instructors who have learnt sanskrit over years and also have Sringeri University Sanskrit Certifications. We ensure that the quality of teaching sloka is not compromised and learning process is effective.

Is it necessary that one should be know Sanskrit or Tamil ?

Not necessary. Sanskrit Sloka texts are transliterated in English and shown on Screen during the class. This helps the students to easily follow the class during the session.

What is the batch size of each class (topic)

Each batch shall be of maximum 22 students. In class there will be around 15 students though the registered students may be higher.

Is the online class as effective when compared to Personal Contact Classes ?

We have observed that online classes are as effective as Personal Contact Classes. Online class also helps the students from many other locations to participate in the class without having to commute.

What is the medium of instruction.

Some of our classes are conducted in English. Some are conducted in Tamizh. Kindly contact us to know more particulars on this.

What is the right age for kids to start learning slokas

Our experience is that Kids of age 5 can start learning Slokas. We admit students from age 5 to age 11. After Age of 11, kids usually get loaded with various academic pressures and they donot get adequate time to spend for learning slokas or for that matter . Hence the earlier the better. Kids lesser than 5 years are not known to be attentive and are playful in general.

Do you teach for elders or only for kids

Right now we conduct one session for Elders which is Sundarakandam. All other topics are for kids.